Book Title: The Paper Bag Princess
Author(s): Robert Munsch
Illustrator/Photographer/Artist: Michael Martchenko
Publisher: Bob Munsch Enterprises, Ltd.
Copyright Date: 1980
Genre: Fiction picturebook
Brief Annotation: Elizabeth is a princess who wears beautiful clothes and intends on marrying Prince Ronald. However, in the blink of an eye, a dragon burns down her castle and all of her beautiful clothes inside of it. She wears the only thing she can find, a paper bag, and sets off to trick the dragon into showing off so that it is too tired to stop her from rescuing Prince Ronald. Once she reaches him he refuses to follow her home until she wears the ‘proper clothes’ to look like a real princess. She promptly dumps him.
Your Rating (1-5) and why: (3) The Paper Bag Princess is sort of a dull story, but has a good message about the lack of importance appearance holds and a one-liner at the end that it gets a little bonus for, “‘(Prince Ronald,) you look like a real prince, but you are a bum.’ They didn’t get married after all.”
Readers who will like this book: Readers who will like this book are spunky little girls who are intrigued by princess tales, but still like to be in control of their dramatic play situations. They’re the girls who always have a clever answer to stories or questions in class.
Question to ask before the read-aloud: We could ask what we know about princesses, princes, and dragons. Are princesses boys or girls? Why? What do they act like? Do we know any princess stories where the princess does the rescuing? What would that look like?!
Question to ask before the read-aloud: We could ask what we know about princesses, princes, and dragons. Are princesses boys or girls? Why? What do they act like? Do we know any princess stories where the princess does the rescuing? What would that look like?!
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