Book Title: City Dog, Country Frog
Author(s): Mo Willems
Illustrator: Jon Muth
Publisher: Hyperion Books
Copyright Date: 2010
Genre: Picture Book – friendship
Brief Annotation:
It’s springtime and Dog finds himself in an unfamiliar place: the country. He used to his city life, but soon runs into a friendly frog. Frog shows dog how to have fun in the country. Summer rolls around, and Dog’s back in the country but he shows Frog how he has fun in the city. Now it’s fall, and Frog is too tired to play, so Frog and Dog sit and remember all the fun they had in the summer and the spring. Winter comes, and Frog is nowhere to be found. Dog is very sad. Spring comes once more, and Dog doesn’t know what to do. All of the sudden, a Chipmunk asks Dog what he is doing. “Dog smiles a froggy smile” and befriends the little guy.
Your Rating (1-5) and why:
5 – This would be a great book to have when discussing the importance of friendship, and the fear of new places and losing friends. The simplistic writing along with the pattern of the seasons would make this a great read aloud.
Readers who will like this book:
Young readers who have pets, who have ever moved, gained friends, or lost friends
Question to ask about this book before a read aloud:
Have you ever moved to a new place?
Did you find a friend?
Have you ever lost a friend?
1. Interest Level (age): 7 and up
2. Grade Level Equivalent (grade): 1.6
I think there's a lot of potential in this book to teach comprehension (an area we haven't looked at closely yet). In particular, to understand the more subtle ideas, readers need to infer--where do the dog's friends go, and why? The beauty of this book (in my opinion--at least one beautiful part) is its subtlety. Would you agree? I think you would based on what you wrote about the simplicity of the important themes.