Book Title: It’s a Book
Author(s): Lane Smith
Illustrator/Photographer/ Artist: Lane Smith
Publisher: Roaring Book Press
Copyright Date: 2010
Genre: Contemporary realistic fiction
Brief Annotation: This is a funny book about a mouse, a jackass, and a monkey. The monkey has a book that the jackass keeps thinking is not technological enough. The book can’t do anything that the jackass asks because it’s a book. But at the end he likes the book too.
Your Rating (1-5) and Why: I rate this book a five because it’s cute and has a cute message.
Readers who will like this book: I think everyone young and old will like this book.
Question to ask about this book before you read aloud: When you look for a book to read, what do you look for?
You might be interested to know that this book has met with a lot of criticism. Can you guess why?