Book Title: Horrible Harry Cracks the Code
Author(s): Suzy Kline
Illustrator/Photographer/Artist: Frank Remkiewicz
Publisher: Penguin Group
Copyright Date: 2007
Genre: Contemporary realistic fiction/mystery (transitional/easy reader)
Brief Annotation: Harry wants to show off his detective skills to his friends, so he sets offs to crack the code for a cafeteria contest. The school cook places a star under certain trays, which she reveals is based on a series of special numbers. After some sleuthing, Harry figures out that the code follows numbers from the Fibonacci sequence, impressing his classmates and solving the cafeteria mystery.
Your Rating (1-5) and why: 2.5—Although I like the premise for this book, I think the author could have done a lot more with the story line and characters. It was meant to be a simple and easy read, but a few more details or suspense would have added to the plot. However, it might be a fun book for kids to read when they are learning about the Fibonacci sequence.
Readers who will like this book: Kids who enjoy other books in the “Horrible Harry” series; kids who like mysteries or puzzles; children who are transitioning from picturebooks to novels and need something “in-between”
Question to ask about this book before a read aloud: Who has ever heard of the Fibonacci sequence? Do you think you could crack a code with the numbers from the sequence?
Optional, but noted as extra effort:
1. Interest Level (age): Grades 3—5
2. Grade Level Equivalent (grade): 3.2
3. List awards: None
4. Book trailer: Not a book trailer, but the link to a cool video about the Fibonacci sequence, shown to us in MATH2500:
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