
You have accessed the blog site for Choosing and Using Books for Children. Throughout the term we'll use our blog to record the books we read and the ideas we have for using them when we're teachers. By the end of March, our class will have read at least 280 books. Happy reading!

Two important protocol actions for EVERY post:
1. Underline or italicize all book titles (choose one formatting style and stick with it--underline OR italicize for all book titles)
2. Add your name in the "label" box before you post each documentation.

One important recommendation:
Create your documentations in a separate Word document, then cut and paste in a blog post.

Basic Documentation

Book Title:




Copyright Date:


Brief Annotation:

Your Rating (1-5) and why:

Readers who will like this book:

Teaching Strategy from Tompkins or Yopp & Yopp (you'll link a strategy to at least 10 of your 40 books) :

Question to ask about this book before a read aloud:

Optional, but noted as extra effort:

1. Interest Level (age):

2. Grade Level Equivalent (grade):
Use book wizard to help with the previous 2 areas

3. List awards

4. Does this book have a book trailer? If so, cut and paste the web address here.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Pete the Cat

Title: Pete the Cat: I Love my White Shoes

Author(s): Eric Litwin

Illustrator/Photographer/Artist: James Dean

Publisher: HarperCollins

Copyright Date: 2008

Genre: Animal Fantasy

Brief Annotation: Pete the Cat is walking along, singing his song, wearing his favorite white shoes, when lo and behold, he steps in a pile of strawberries that turns his white shoes red! Does Pete freak out? No way, he just keeps walking along and singing his song, until . . . he steps in blueberries! The story continues in a predictable pattern with Pete running into color trouble, but keeping a cool head. The addition of the song Pete sings throughout the story is sure to keep readers and listeners interested.

Your Rating (1-5) and why: 5! This is a perfect book for engaging kids in multiple ways--through listening, singing, choral reading, and acting.

Readers who will like this book: Kids who like playful books, and kids who need a reminder that if you can "make lemonade from lemons" when life throws you an unexpected curveball, you'll be happier.

Teaching Strategy from Tompkins or Yopp & Yopp (you'll link a strategy to at least 10 of your 40 books) : Readers’ Theater (Tompkins, p. 84). Readers theater invites readers to re-create a story through drama. Students create a script based on the reading (or find published scripts) and perform for a group. This book lends itself to readers’ theater because the text is lively, dramatizing the action would not require props or much space, and the “performers” could engage the audience in answering the question, “Did Pete cry?” [answer: “Goodness, no!”]

Question to ask about this book before a read aloud: What does it mean to be resilient?

Optional, but noted as extra effort:

1. Interest Level (age): 3-8

2. Grade Level Equivalent (grade): Pre-K through 2
Use book wizard to help with the previous 2 areas

3. List awards: none

4. Does this book have a book trailer? If so, cut and paste the website here.

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